13th Conference of Undiagnosed Diseases Network International / 5-7 September, 2024, Seoul, Korea / Seoul National University Children's Hospital, CJ Hall

Travel Grant

Travel Grant

  • The recipients will be selected by the Scientific Committee based on the score of the abstracts. Presenting authors of the selected abstracts who fulfill the following requirements will be considered for the grant.


  • Presenting authors of accepted abstracts.
  • Presenting authors must register for the meeting and participate on-site.
  • To apply, go to the “Abstract Submission” page and select the “Travel Grant” option.
    * Foreigners residing in Korea are not eligible for the travel grant.
Travel Grant
USD 500

How to Receive

  1. 1. Recipients will receive a notice of grant via email.
  2. 2. Travel grants will be given in cash (USD) at the congress site after the presenting authors have made their presentations.
  3. 3. Travel grants cannot be given more than once to the same presenting author.