13th Conference of Undiagnosed Diseases Network International / 5-7 September, 2024, Seoul, Korea / Seoul National University Children's Hospital, CJ Hall

Mini-oral Presentation

Presenting Time

  • Presentations will be conducted onsite in the poster zone at a designated date and time assigned to each presenter.
  • Each presenter will have a total of 5 minutes for their presentation (3 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q&As).

Mini-oral Presentation Schedule and Location

  • Mini-oral Presentation will be scheduled on November 15 (Fri) and 16 (Sat) at a designated time for each presenter.
  • The presentation files will be exhibited throughout the ATW 2024 period regardless of the presentation schedule.
Satellite Program: DDOT Workshop 참석 여부
Date November 15 (Fri), 14:40-15:10
November 16 (Sat), 10:30-11:00
Place Room 6F-3, 4, 5 (Poster Exhibition Zone)

* Detailed guidelines will be sent to the presenters via e-mail.

Presentation File Format

  • The first page of the presentation file should be allocated to the title, authors, and contact email as stated in the submitted abstract.
  • Please note that any animation effects in the PowerPoint are not allowed as the material will be converted to images.
Satellite Program: DDOT Workshop 참석 여부
Format PowerPoint presentation of 5 slides or less in landscape (horizontal) format
Screen ratio 16:9
Language English only
Font Presenters are recommended to use standard Windows fonts.
Media Images/photos, graphs and tables can be included in the presentation file.

*Animation effects are not allowed.

Template If you wish, you may download the Mini-oral Presentation template by clicking the button.

How to Submit Your Presentation File

  • We will be using ‘Dropbox’ to collect and protect your valuable poster files. You can simply upload your file without creating an account, and only the Secretariat will have access to view the files uploaded by the presenting authors.

    * Deadline for uploading the poster file: October 9 (Wed), 2024

    * Important: Name of the file must be “Abstract number_Your full name” (eg. OP-1234_Claire Choi).

  • Step 1

    Click the following file uploading link

    File Upload link
  • Step 2

    Clickchoose a file from your computer to upload. You can also drag and drop the file directly into your browser window.

  • Step 3

    If you have two or more files to upload, click “+Add another file.”

  • Step 4

    Once you have uploaded all the desired files, please enter your name and email address so that the Secretariat knows who uploaded the files.